mod_mime_magic: invalid type 0 in mconvert().

If the error „mod_mime_magic: invalid type 0 in mconvert()“ appears in your HTTP-Server e.g. apache log, it’s most probably a faulty mime-magic configuration. Do the following:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

Go to another console

sudo apache2ctl restart

Look at the errors uncomment the lines causing the Problems in


with your favorite editor. Repeat »apache2ctl restart« and watch the log again until tail does not show any more errors of this kind.

Microsoft Blue Screen of Death

Well I had to take this photograph. My brother had a mobile phone at hand and almost forced me to do this one. The Blue Screen of Death at Zličín in a Prague shopping centre was an opportunity both of us could not resist. The screen was actually blue from both sides. I had to rant about it. And it is the first time I ranted about such a thing in a blog.

Blue Screen of Death

Muhammad Yunus 2010-01

Folgende E-Mail erreichte mich gestern (Wenn Ihr den direkten Kontakt nicht alleine finden könnt, hinterlasst mir bitte einen Kommentar. Wenn Ihr nicht möchtet, dass ich das publiziere kennzeichnet den Kommentar bitte entsprechend):

Grameen Creative Labs

Liebe Freunde des Grameen Creative Labs,

nach spannenden und ereignisreichen Tagen mit Professor Yunus und der Grameen Family in ganz Deutschland,
hier nun endlich der Termin für das nächste Grameen Creative Lab im Januar:

Freitag, 15. Januar – Samstag, 16. Januar // 17h00 – 17h00 // Wiesbaden
Genaue Informationen zur Location, dem Programm und den Kosten folgen voraussichtlich Anfang Dezember.

Um diese 24 Stunden jedoch jetzt schon so inspirierend und effektiv wie möglich für euch planen zu können, bitten wir euch bei Interesse um kurze Rückmeldung bis zum 1. Dezember:

„Ja, ich möchte am 15./16. Januar in Wiesbaden dabei sein! Ich bin…

… interessiert an Professor Yunus‘ Social Business Gedanke, habe vielleicht schon das ein oder andere gelesen und freue mich mit spannenden neuen Menschen gemeinsam in diese Thematik einzusteigen.

… bereits mit dem Thema vertraut, habe bisher aber noch an keinem Grameen Creative Lab teilgenommen und möchte neue Ideen entwickeln und gleichgesinnte treffen, gerne aber auch noch viel mehr über die Arbeit der Grameen Family und des Grameen Creative Labs lernen.

… schon beim Klassentreffen oder einem der anderen Labs dabei gewesen und freue mich, mein Wissen zu vertiefen, neue Ideen zu entwickeln, von meinen Projekten zu berichten oder mich über meine bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Social Business auszutauschen.“

Insbesondere in den letzten Tagen durften wir wieder einmal miterleben, welche Kraft Social Business haben kann. Gerne möchten wir nun mit euch weiter an unserem gemeinsamen Ziel arbeiten und zusammen „die Armut ins Museum stellen“ – wir freuen uns auf einen besonderen „YY-Tag“ mit euch!

Bis dahin mit herzlichen Grüßen,
das Grameen Creative Lab Team

P.S.: mehr zu Professor Yunus‘ Deutschlandreise, den neuesten Ergebnissen und Ereignissen erfahrt ihr unter und für diejenigen, die nicht am 5. November im Schlachthof dabei sein konnten:

The Grameen Creative Lab (GCL) is a Joint Venture between the Yunus Centre in Bangladesh and circ responsibility in Germany, founded by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus and Hans Reitz, founder and creative director of circ. Their shared vision is the eradication of poverty – globally. The Grameen Creative Lab is designed to accelerate and spread the spirit of Grameen social business under the principles of Prof. Yunus through three main activities. 1) It interacts with the interested community through books, articles, and events on social business. 2) It incubates social business ideas through brainstorming labs, academic research and social business experiments. 3) It creates social businesses by advising companies on how to set-up social business joint ventures with Grameen in Bangladesh or elsewhere and supporting social business investors in their search for suitable investment opportunities.

google go

The installation is quit as easy as they describe it on the Installing Go page.  At the point when it comes to Mercurial installation the page states „works on most systems“. Well true but after you have done this:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

I also tried to install the sources in /user/local/go and the binaries in /user/local/bin which somehow failed. So I wrote the following in my ~/.bashrc:

export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=386
export GOBIN=$HOME/bin

NB.: Do not forget to exec bash afterwards.

  • the project page
  • discussion about the name (I have already used the name for *MY* programming language).
  • article with video.

Muhammad Yunus

Professor Yunus’ speech (A World without Poverty!)

on November 5th at the Schlachthof Wiesbaden

More than 1200 people registered for this event on the 5th November in Wiesbaden and even more visited the event with he Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2006. They had to change locations on 28th October from Schloss Freudenberg to Kulturzentrum Schlachthof because of such a high and unexpected response.

Who is Muhammad Yunus?

Muhammad Yunus

Wikipedia, headword “Muhammad Yunus”, version edited at 18:11, 24 October 2009, accessible at

Muhammad Yunus (Bangla: মুহাম্মদ ইউনুস, pronounced Muhammôd Iunus) (born 28 June 1940) is a Bangladeshi banker and economist. He previously was a professor of economics where he developed the concept of microcredit. These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. Yunus is also the founder of Grameen Bank.

Wikipedia, Stichwort “Muhammad Yunus”, Version vom 22. August 2009 um 22:40 Uhr, abrufbar unter

Muhammad Yunus (মুহাম্মদ ইউনুস, Muhāmmad Iunus; * 28. Juni 1940 in Chittagong) ist ein bangladeschischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Er ist Gründer der Mikrokredite vergebenden Grameen Bank und damit einer der Begründer des Mikrofinanz-Gedankens. 2006 wurde er mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet.

A World without Poverty!

Unlike a bank he went to the people. He did not judge the people by what they are or where they have gone wrong. He looked where they wanted to go to. And especially he has had a focus on women. To remind you banks give credit to a man but not necessarily to a woman.

By doing things that banks thought would be a FAIL he proved that he is a WIN. We also recall the banks were a FAIL and the cause of the financial crisis 2007–2009 while Yunus has proved to be a WIN.

What did he do different? He claims he learned from the banks. Yunus had a close look at banks and how they operate in order not to do it alike but the opposite way. People go to banks. Yunus went to the people. Traditional bank loans are given to men. Yunus therefore set his focus on women. Banks prefer wealthy customers.  Yunus was successful with the poor customers. Banks wanted lawyers. Yunus could do without.

The speech begins with Yunus telling a story in a rather grandfatherly manner of a very skilled woman crafty at making beautiful tools from babboo. He talks with the woman in order to find out more about her situation to find out that the current concept is not apt for a successful business. She needed to borrow money in order to buy the raw material. There was not the possibility to use cheaper material. Yunus made it his challenge to think of a way to change the situation and break the cycle of the woman having only the necessary money for keeping up her livelihood.

What Yunus decided to do was a brave step. He gave loans to several people in the village and awaited the result. After the success he decided to involve banks in his plans only to find out that they would not do it just like that. Showing them that it works was not enough because they had rules. Rules that did not allow bankers to give loans to poor people which makes the banks directly responsible for the root of the problem.  So in the first run Yunus had to stick to their regulations hoping the success of the project would persuade them to change their mind and proof them wrong. Even the first successful trial left them unbelieving yet when the experiment was repeated in several other villages.

Yunus did not change the world but he made it a bit more worthwhile living on this world. That is more than most of us can say about themselves.

Have a look at gallery/category on that I created for this event.
