Upgrading to TYPO3 4.3 causes typo3 to write every call to a deprecated method to a file called deprecation_XXXXXXXXXX.log in the typo3conf folder. This kind of sucks and the file gets quite long. I found that main cause for this annoying behaviour are two function calls from extensions: »makeInstanceClassName« and »GPvar«. Either you upgrade all your extensions hoping the upgrade fixes the Problem or just perform the following in your ext folder. Make sure you backup all your extensions before you just copy paste!
grep -rl makeInstanceClassName * | grep ‚\.php$‘ | grep -v ‚/\.svn/‘ | xargs sed -i -e „s/makeInstanceClassName/makeInstance/g“
grep -rl GPvar * | grep ‚\.php$‘ | grep -v ‚/\.svn/‘ | xargs sed -i -e „s/GPvar/_GP/g“
If you want to make sure not to break anything just dry run the following two lines and read the output before you perform the two lines mentioned above:
grep -r makeInstanceClassName * | grep ‚\.php$‘ | grep -v ‚/\.svn/‘
grep -r GPvar * | grep ‚\.php$‘ | grep -v ‚/\.svn/‘