Face to Face – Julian Assange

This video Face to Face with [[Julian Assange]] dated 04-11-2010 (I guess should be 2010-04-11) on Wikileaks (part 1) 51.641 views and (part 2) 7.433 views seems to be a very nice insight to the way Julian thinks.

First of all Julian goes into the 38 minutes Video taken from the gunsite of the lead apache helicopter called „crazy horse“. He describes the scene summarising the events involving people of [[Reuters]] getting shot and even killed.

Julian in my opinion argues only rationally very few emotional arguments arise. I just wonder why so few people watched the two videos.

In my opinion Julians comparison to video games might not be very helpful. I do not actually play computer games but I do not expect people that play video games to be potential killers. Actually what Julian says is: if you want to kill people go to the American army an as long as you stick to the rules you will be fine.

You need to install ruby-debug to run the server in debugging mode

I wanted to try ruby-debug as described in the book by Patrick Lenz Simply Rails 2.0 in chapter 11. I installed the gem with »sudo gem install ruby-debug«. The following error I got staring the server with debug option prevented me from carrying on with the lesson:

USER@COMPUTER:/var/www/ror$ rails server –debug
=> Booting Mongrel
=> Rails 3.0.3 application starting in development on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
You need to install ruby-debug to run the server in debugging mode. With gems, use ‚gem install ruby-debug‘

I googled my ass off to find the solution. Most sites had a hint about incompatibility between ruby, rails and gems. But the solution was much more simple. Just edit the Gemfile and uncomment »gem ‚ruby-debug’« like this:

# To use debugger
gem ‚ruby-debug‘

Cubemap to Angularmap – niabot

Niabot found it hard to create Angular Maps for the backgrounds in Blender. So he wrote a little programme in Java that can convert Environmentmaps (also called Cubemaps) to an Angular Map.

Repair broken html

This worked pretty well for me:
“NB:“ Entities such as „en dash“ – which results in: – have to be substituted before using tidy.

for i in *.html; do recode windows-1252..u8 $i;done
for i in *.html; do sed -i ’s#<html>#<html xmlns=“http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml“ xml:lang=“en“ lang=“en“>#‘ $i;done
for i in *.html; do tidy -c -m -utf8 -asxml $i;done
for i in *.html; do sed -i ‚1i\<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC „-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN“ „http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd“>‘ $i;done
for i in *.html; do sed -i ’s#</title>#</title>\n<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type“ content=“text/html; charset=utf-8″ />#‘ $i;done

Webcast to MySQL Strategie of Oracle

Sounds good to me what Oracle are trying to do to improve MySQL. Hopefully it is also true what they are saying about their commitment to Open Source.

The strategy according to Edward Screven is „Complete. Open. Integrated.“ Oracles overall strategy.

There is a look at the MySQL 5.5 beta. [[InnoDB]] will become default. [[MyISAM]] will still be supported though.

Schutz vor DLL-Lücke in Windows-Programmen

bevor Ihr jetzt sagt, dass interessiert mich doch einen Scheiß und lass mich doch mit so einem Müll in Ruhe, lest bitte weiter.

Das trifft alle Windows Nutzer! Also auch Eure Kisten zu Hause. Meine Einschätzung ist, dass diese Sache nicht auf die leichte Schulter zu nehmen ist und Ihr das für Euch als Privatperson das umgehend umsetzen solltet. Eine Anleitung gibt es auch [1]. Dort ist auch ein offizielles Video von M$ verlinkt.

Checkliste ist:

  1. den Dienst deaktivieren
  2. die Ports in der Firewall blocken
  3. und den Wert in die Registry schreiben (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ist in dem chip Artikel abgekürzt durch HKLM und das ist auch für mich unverständlich gewesen)

[1] Schutz vor DLL-Lücke in Windows-Programmen